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Iroquois Student Art Gallery

Goal of Iroquois K-12 Visual Arts Program: To Develop Artistic Literacy

Use a variety of artistic media, symbols, and metaphors to communicate their own ideas and to respond to the artistic communications of others.
Develop creative personal realization in at least one art form in which they continue active involvement as an adult.
Cultivate culture, history and other connections through diverse forms and genres of artwork.
Find joy, inspiration, intellectual stimulation, and meaning when they participate in the arts.
Seek artistic experiences and support in the arts in their communities.

K-12 Art Department


Building Extention Web Page Link

Mrs. Campbell

Middle School

Ext. 6313

Web Page

Mrs. Lasky

Intermediate School

Ext. 5013

 Web Page

Mr. Napierala

High School

Ext. 7160

Web Page

Mrs. Payne

High School

Ext. 7161

Web Page

Miss. Ridgeway

 Marilla Primary

Ext. 3018

Web Page

Miss. Urquhart


Elma Primary 

Wales Primary

Ext. 2204

Ext. 4035

Web Page