Food Allergy Information
Food Allergy Information
The goal of our Food Service program is to provide nutritious meals in a safe environment for all students in the Iroquois Central School District.
We understand that some children have special dietary needs that may require a meal modification outside of the USDA meal patterns.
Meal modifications come in all forms:
- Texture modification
- Food allergies
- Qualifying medical disability that restricts their diet.
The USDA has certain procedures we must follow to provide reasonable meal modifications for your child. The purpose of the procedures is twofold:
- Making sure the meal being served meets your child’s nutritional needs as prescribed by a licensed physician.
- Making sure the modified meal being served meets the definition of a reimbursable meal as defined/required by USDA.
Please contact your child’s school nurse if you have allergy concerns or meal modification requirements.
General allergy information provided by Personal Touch Food Service (Click on the appropriate link to view):